- Charmed Specter: Unleashes ghostly power in a forward direction dealing 250/280/310/340/370/400 magic damage. The first hero hit will lose control and move towards the Necromancer, lasting 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5s.
- Nether Snare: Summons an other-worldly power to deal 600/670/740/810/880/950 magic damage to a specified location.
- Cursed Oath: Puts a curse on enemy heroes that lasts 10/10/10seconds (cannot be actively lifted), which deals 200/250/300 magic damage, and causes the targets to receive 60/75/90 magic damage per second and reducing health recovery by 70%/80%/90%. If a target dies while under the curse, the target will resurrect and become the Necromancer\'s puppet, fighting for the Necromancer. A resurrected puppet will inherit 8%/8%/8% of the original pre-death attributes and continuously deal plague damage to surrounding targets, dealing <%Num6> of the enemy\'s max HP as magic damage. Puppets last <Num7>seconds.
- Necromancy Spell: Adds an occult spell to targets who take damage from the Necromancer, lasting 5//s. While the spell lasts, the target will explode upon death, dealing 320~600 magic damage to surrounding units (base damage increases with level). Units who receive plague damage from puppets will also have Necromancy Spell cast on them.