- Windtalker: +25% Attack Speed. +20 Movement Speed. +20% Critical Strike Chance. Unique Passive Typhoon After every 5 basic attacks, the next basic attack must deal 125 magic damage to 3 enemies. Unique Passive Activate Each time Typhoon is cast, one's movement speed will be increased 5% for a short time.
- Swift Boots: +15% Attack Speed. Unique Effect +40 Movement Speed.
- Haas’s Claws: Unique Passive Insanity When HP drops below 40$, the hero will receive an extra 10% physical lifesteal.
- Berserker's Fury: +65 Physical ATK, +%25 Crity Chance, Unique :+%40 Crit Damage, Unique Passive - DOOM :Crit strikes will increase one's physical attack %5 , lasting 2s.
- Blade of Despair: +130 Physical Attack. +25% Attack Speed. +10% Critical Strike Chance. Unique Passive Despair Deals an extra 15% damage to an enemy in any abnormal state (stunned, knocked airborne, transformed, disabled).
- Malefic Roar: +60 Physical Attack. Unique Effect +40% Physical Penetration / Unique Passive Armor Buster Basic attack will ignore 20% of a defense turret's defensive armor.